Table of Contents Data Input Introduction to Lavaan Inspecting matrices when things go wrong Modeling in Lavaan Using a Covariance Matrix
Made for Jonathan Butner’s Structural Equation Modeling Class, Fall 2017, University of Utah. This handout will serve as an introduction to the lavaan package in R, which can be used for structural equation modeling. Mainly, we will focus on how path models can be conducted simply as a series of regressions in the R package lavaan, including estimation of indirect effects with bootstrapping.
Table of Contents Data Input Path Models Models Using Q and W Indices
Made for Jonathan Butner’s Structural Equation Modeling Class, Fall 2017, University of Utah. This handout begins by showing how to import a matrix into R. Then, we will overview how path models can be conducted simply as a series of regressions. such as transposing and inversing matrices. This syntax imports the 4 variable dataset from datafile pathmodel example 3.